


Life Journey Psychic Readings
Please select from one of the options below.
Please purchase the phone reading first, then call 386-228-4040 to arrange an appointment.
How Does The Reading Work?
Prior to your reading it is suggested that you quietly contemplate or mediate and compose a list of questions that you would like answered. These questions may be related to personal and business relationships, spiritual issues and career changes. (Please no questions regarding the outcome of tomorrow's lottery numbers)
I will begin the reading by asking you permission to communicate with you Higher- self and you spirit guides. I will than say a prayer to the Infinite Intelligence to activate the connection. At this point I will go into an altered trance to bring forth (channel) the Angel/Guide's voice. The Angel will then communicate a short message followed by an open question and answer period. All is safe and secure and there is nothing to fear.
Usual Topics of Discussion
Identification and discussion of your Souls mission in this incarnation.
Identification of potential energy roadblocks and suppressed fears that might be manifesting as confusion and frustration in this incarnation.
Discussion of relationships and why certain relationships seem to manifest as endless circles of frustration and why certain patterns keep repeating.
Identifying soul's desire- Do you feel happy in you life? What really makes you happy? What is your heart's desire?
Discussion on boredom and soul complacency in this lifetime- Where is the joy and sense of fulfillment in your life?
Discussion of Past Present and Potential Future Paths and how they all are interrelated.
General questions and answers

Who or What am I Channeling
The Person's Higher Self in coordination with their soul aspect determines what being or group I will be communicating with. What is TRUE in all cases is the following:
- I make a request to the person's Higher Self to Channel an Angel or Guide(s) that are in and of the Light and vibrating at the Christ Consciousness or Higher.
- That the quality of the message being delivered is for the Highest and the Best of the person receiving the message.
- That this message be in perfect harmony with the Divine plan as set forth by the Prime Creator and Mother Gaia.

Explanation of Beings
The Higher Self decides in union with the soul how best to help each other during this Journey of discovery. It is truly a loving process unfolding and evolving as the Higher Self begins to reveal clues about its life journey in this dimension.
In the past I have channeled Ascended Masters-(Sanada-Jesus, Mother Mary, and St. Germain), Angels- (Arch-Angel Gabriel, Guardian Angels), Spirit Guides-( American Indians, Tibet Monks, Chinese Warriors, and off planet beings), and two different Group Entities known as the Ascended Voices of One and the Brother Hood of the White Light. In some cases the Higher Self will speak directly or in combination with one of the beings listed above.
